Community-Based Services

Community-Based Services

The Academy Community-Based Services offers daily, face-to-face contact, mentoring, supervision, individualized counseling, and 24/7 emergency interventions for children and adolescents exhibiting behavioral, educational, and mental health concerns as well as the specific needs of their families. The Academy’s Community-Based Services allows students the opportunity to remain in their homes and community while providing services and supports to address their specific needs such as behavioral, education, employment, mental health, social, and truancy. The student is provided with services designed to meet their needs through life skills, academic enrichment, mentoring, individualized counseling, drug and alcohol education, mental health services, and other related services and supports. In addition, the Academy Community-Based Services includes truancy diversion, evidence-based programs, therapeutic services, educational programming, and transportation.


The Academy Community-Based Services offers daily, face-to-face contact, mentoring, supervision, individualized counseling, and 24/7 emergency interventions for children and adolescents exhibiting behavioral, educational, and mental health concerns as well as the specific needs of their families. The Academy’s Community-Based Services allows students the opportunity to remain in their homes and community while providing services and supports to address their specific needs such as behavioral, education, employment, mental health, social, and truancy. The student is provided with services designed to meet their needs through life skills, academic enrichment, mentoring, individualized counseling, drug and alcohol education, mental health services, and other related services and supports. In addition, the Academy Community-Based Services includes truancy diversion, evidence-based programs, therapeutic services, educational programming, and transportation.